A number of years ago, I joined a Master’s swim team. I was doing triathlons at the time, and the swim was my weakest leg. The team I joined divided the pool into four lanes: A (fastest swimmers), B (next fastest), C (next fastest) and D (slowest.) Workouts were organized […]
In keeping with my themed reading (all pleasure reading must at least have some practical applicability to my life) I took Motherhood: The Elephant in the Laboratory with me to a conference combined with a stopover to visit my in-laws last week. The book was interesting, inspiring, and had some […]
I read this book a couple of months ago, and it really resonated for me. I love books of essays. I have always been an enormous fan of books of short stories, and over the years, I have gravitated more and more towards nonfiction and especially creative nonfiction. The turning […]
I’ve realized recently that even as my research interests take me further and further away from my engineering background, I remain incredibly grateful for my training. Engineering is essentially all about problem solving, and the approach is just so sensible: 1. Establish what you want to know. Write it down. […]
I ran into Hans Oh at a meeting last night. A few years ago he blogged somewhere between agreement and disagreement with a presentation I gave at eHealth 2005 in which I argued that trying to make one-size-fits-all eHealth applications is, at best, wasted effort, and at worst, harmful. That […]